The most common colors for boys bedrooms is blue and light blue. Blue color for boys is a tradition since the middles of the 20th century. It is one of the most common colors in nature. It is the color of the sky and the color of the sea. It helps people relax and calm. This is also one good reason that is used often in boys bedrooms, as little boys are usually more naughty and wild than little girls.
The most common color combinations are blue with light blue and bright natural wood. In many cases can be added some orange or yellow color for high contrast or some red for medium contrast. Let’s better see and comment some photos of colorful bedrooms for boys
Dark blue , light blue and bright natural wood color as main colors. There is also some red to create a medium contrast. This is a kind of bedroom that little boys really love with picture on the wall and super heros. The spesific kids bedroom set is for 2 children and also does not require a lot of space. Design by Greek furniture industry Ervin.
Blue, light blue and natural wood is the classic and allways succesful color combination in a boy’s room. Bedroom set bu Kibuc furniture industry
More simple colors here. Bedroom for little and for older boys as well. Here is used white and blue as main colors. Such bedroom can also be good idea if you have 2 boys with age difference. The spesific bedroom set by Asdara can also be adjusted in small narrow rooms.
Same colors again. The use of a coloful carpet with the same colors can make the room more live. Bedroom set by Kibuc
In this bedroom set a small change on the covers of the bed creates and very big difference. Orange is the highest contrast color to blue. Bedroom set by Asdara company
Bedroom full of colors. Main colors are dark blue and light blue again. Yellow creates a high contrast and red an additional contrast. It is difficult to combine well so many colors. Kids Bedroom set by Kibuc.
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